Psychosocial Recovery Coaching
From 1 July 2020, a new support called “psychosocial recovery coach” is available for NDIS participants.
- Recovery coaches will provide support to people with psychosocial disability to live a full and contributing life. People will be assisted to take more control of their lives and to better manage complex challenges of day to day living.
- Through strong and respectful relationships and skilled coaching, people will be supported to build capacity, including strengths and resilience. Recovery coaches will work collaboratively with people, their families, carers and supports to design, plan, implement and adjust a recovery plan.
- The work of recovery coaches, underpinned by recovery-oriented practice, can take on many forms, including but not limiting to the following:
- Developing a recovery-enabling relationship
- Supporting participants’ engagement with the NDIS
- Coaching to increase recovery skills and personal capacity, including motivation, strengths, resilience and decision-making
- Supporting participants with their recovery planning
- Collaborating with the broader system of supports.
Around the Well is a registered NDIS provider of Psychosocial Recovery coaching and therapeutic supports.