Specialised Support Coordination
This support is delivered utilising an expert or specialist approach, required by specific high complex needs or high-level risks in a participant’s situation.
Specialist Support Coordination is delivered by an appropriately qualified and experienced practitioner to meet the individual needs of the participant’s circumstances, Around the Well is a registered provider of this service under the NDIS regulations.
Lindi Airey, a registered Counsellor with the Australian Counselling Association, has received full accreditation to deliver Specialised Support Coordination as outlined in the NDIS regulations. With extensive experience in dealing with points of crisis, she has supported many participants through challenging times. Her knowledge of SA Health, OPA, SACAT and various other government and non-government agencies has provided her with the skills to best support her clients.
Specialist Support Coordination addresses complex barriers impacting a participant’s ability to implement their plan and access appropriate supports. Specialist Support Coordinators assist participants to reduce complexity in their support environment and overcome barriers to connecting with broader systems of supports, as well as funded supports.
Specialist Support Coordinators are expected to negotiate appropriate support solutions with multiple stakeholders and seek to achieve well-coordinated plan implementation. Specialist Support Coordinators will assist stakeholders with resolving points of crisis for participants, assist to ensure a consistent delivery of service and access to relevant supports during crisis situations.
Specialist Support Coordination is generally delivered through an intensive and time limited period necessitated by the participant’s immediate and significant barriers to plan implementation. Depending on individual circumstances, a Specialist Support Coordinator may also design a complex service plan that focusses on how all the stakeholders in a participant’s life will interact to resolve barriers and promote appropriate plan implementation.